LXP32 coding style guidelines


This document provides a few suggestions on coding style for developing software in the LXP32 assembly language. These guidelines were tested in a medium-sized commercial project.


One distinctive feature of the LXP32 processor is the abundance of registers, which can be used not only for parameter passing or temporary storage, but even for long term storage. An example of register allocation:

To simplify the use of register variables, global or otherwise, it is recommended to declare them as macros:

#define x r1
#define y r2
#define z r3

Macro definitions for global register variables should be placed in a separate include file with the inc extension.


It is useful to adopt a naming convention to distinguish between various types of identifiers:

A simple example that calls a procedure 1000 times:

#define ITERATIONS 1000

#define i r32

	lcs r0, Do_action_proc
	call r0
	sub i, i, 1
	lcs r0, Loop
	cjpmne r0, i, 0


It is recommended to put every non-trivial procedure to a separate module (source code file). Besides general code clarity, doing so has other advantages: